I found a few interesting reads yesterday and the most interesting was from the blog PR 2.0 by Brian Solis. Brian seems to be a public relations (PR) practitioner who’s trying to advance his profession through some thoughtful ideas. For my own part, my only public relations experience was through my local Toastmasters club, so I can appreciate that it’s not always the easiest profession and that there’s at least a smidgeon of that discipline in many, many roles that we fulfil.
His latest post, about the evolution of the public relations discipline, immediately caught my eye because of a reference to former (?) Strumpette Amanda Chapel, who’s constantly, shall we say, stimulating discussion of some sort or another on Twitter.
Whether or not you particularly like or care about public relations, it’s probably worth your time to read Brian’s post, as well as his links to a previous post addressed to Chris Anderson, editor of Wired, where he identifies some problems with the way some PR professionals do their work. I think Brian’s got good intent and good ideas, for what it’s worth.
Brian’s post ties at least in part to the whole area of influence, which I wrote about a couple of months ago.
And that’s today’s food for thought.
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