Just a few quick observations:
My Twitter follower experiment, which I made an update to a few days later, seems to be paying off. I know that at one point I was following close to 1400 people. I started trimming that number down where it seemed to make sense to do so. Today I’m following 1044 other people.
However, the number of people following me has increased. Currently there are 633 people who follow me (and thank you!) on Twitter.
On Digg, I’m pleased to report that I hit my short term goal of getting into the listing of the top 1000 Digg users. Or, at least I will when they refresh the list, unless things go wonky somewhere. By the way, the composition of the top 1000 Digg users list is determined first by the number of Popular Digg submissions, and secondly by your % of popular submissions to overall Digg submissions. You can see the current status of the Digg top 1000 list here. Next stop: top 500!
My Technorati ranking is slowly climbing toward 100, which is another 2008 goal. I think I’m at 87 but I think the next recalculation will take me to 89.
Subscriber count: my subscriber count is in triple digits. Not quite where I wanted it to be yet, but overall it continues to grow, which is quite gratifying.
StumbleUpon: I’ve actually hit the 200 friends limit a couple of times and had to rearrange some things. StumbleUpon has been a wonderful resource for this blog!
On top of all that, I’ve been interacting with lots of cool people.
It’s nice to see progress!
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