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Smart, Globe and getting caught in the crossfire: Aftermath

Nov 10th 2012
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Previously, I talked about the speculation that Smart (and not just Jim Ayson) hates me because I have personal friends in Globe. After the post, it so happened that Jim and I had a conversation on Facebook. I can’t post snippets of our conversation. But if you so wish to read it, you’ll have to search for it. It’s somewhere in Facebook.

So in the end, Jim doesn’t hate me. But at the same time, part of the speculation is true. I say part because there’s a gray area of alliances vs friendship. Remember that I said that the two almost always get mixed up in the Philippine setting. For most people, it seems tricky. But it’s actually very simple if you look at it from my point of view: I don’t mix business with pleasure.

So here are the points that everyone needs to know (to end the drama):

  • I was reminded by my colleagues in Mobile Monday Manila that some of Smart’s people do attend the meetings as much as they can. Hey. Telcos need to work too to provide you with your much needed services. So no truth that Smart shuns Mobile Monday because Globe is there. Some expected Globe people don’t show up at Mobile Monday at certain times as well. Except one. He has to. Otherwise we can’t get into the German Club for our meetings. But then Christian Besler doesn’t officially represent Globe/Kickstart when he’s in Mobile Monday Manila. Again, changing of hats.
  • I was reminded by my friend from Smart that a lot of Smart-sponsored activities have been posted on the Philippine Android Community (PhAC). But with the way Facebook Groups work and the schedules I keep with regards to actually being able to read the posts, those activities get pushed way down the line on certain days.
  • Jim joined PhAC a few days before the ‘Appy Birthday Android event. Of which, there was very little time to invite anyone by then. And also because he wasn’t sure on the rules of posting on PhAC. (Something which the PhAC managers have to sit down and talk about when everyone’s not so busy.)

Which brings us to the point about affiliations. Yes, that was brought up. And in the end, that was cleared up. To rephrase what I said to Jim: “I have as much as an affiliation with my friends in Kickstart and Globe Labs as I have with my friends in Smart.” In other words, I have no business affiliation with Globe. That much has been cleared now. So there.

What have I learned from all of this?

  • I spend a LOT of time with Globe Labs’ and Kickstart’s activities. I guess because most of the time I was pointedly asked to come over. Which is quite often.
  • I spend way less time going to Smart’s activities. I guess because most of the time I was pointedly asked to come over. Which is less often because of bullet point number 1.
  • I need to fix my work schedule. Mostly so that I can just go without having to be pointedly asked to come over. Otherwise, people would think that I’m a self-important brat that has to be pointedly invited just so I can come over.

That’s that. Moving on.

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